Reflections on 27

I am coming to terms with the complexity and intensity of my character, the resentment that arrives when you realise the ways your parents have inevitably failed you (no matter how wonderful they are), and the extent of my privilege in the world. I am always writing, always reading, and always seeking to understand myself better so that I can make a more informed contribution to the world. This year, I hope to learn how to rest, and how to delight in the uncertainty of other humans.

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15 Days Hiking the Larapinta Trail

For 15 days Rhianna and I battled hordes of mosquitoes, stamped our feet in our tents to fend off howling dingos, and navigated ex-boyfriends who happened to be on the trail at the same time. We clambered across ridgelines at first and last light, navigated through hip-high grass and hip-high river crossings, and crawled up and over impossibly high boulders with 18kg packs on our backs when the 30+ degree days had us dripping with sweat.

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Ruby Bisson Comments

Do beauty therapists have nice skin because they Do The Work, or are they beauty therapists because they've always had nice skin, and recognise the social currency in it?

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2019: A Literary Memoir

I do this every year. I write about the books that I read and the places I read them. I did it in 2018. I did it in 2017 and 2015 (ah, so young). It’s interesting to track my habits, from the kinds of books I gravitate towards when I’m sad or lonely, to the amount I read (or don’t read) when someone or something new enters my life.

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Growing Up A Girl

At 18, I enter the clubs. I am repeatedly groped at the bar, in the queue, on the dance floor. Men slide up against me to get past in a busy room, close enough to feel the bulge in their pants and their breath down my neck. “Give me a smile, won’t ya honey?”.

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Ruby Bisson Comments
Cycling Through The Australian Outback With A Stranger

The outback was post-apocalyptic, dotted with abandoned trailers, rotting animal carcasses, fluffy gorilla slippers, golf balls and anal beads. It was sandy and unapologetically barren. And yet, here I was on a bicycle, hauling a heavy trailer across the middle of the continent with a stranger I’d met on Instagram a week prior. Boy, was I was hating it. 

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Ruby Bisson Comments
I Flew To Tasmania To Eat Feral Cat

I sink into a bath overlooking the River Derwent with a bottle of red and my hardbound, Bible-like copy of David Walsh’s autobiography, A Bone of Fact. Little do I know, I’ll be passing the man himself my sea urchin and hartshorn sheep whey vodka martini at dinner later that evening and I’ll watch him drink it in one gulp.

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10 Lessons From A Year Self-Employed

It’s been a year since I decided to work for myself. I quit my previous job in an erratic act of self defiance, romanticising the millionaire sob story to live my own dreams against a backdrop of improbable success. With $1000 to my name, not a single client, $4000 of debt and my only mode of transport (a 2001 SR250 motorbike) without brakes, I was well and truly in the deep end of the pool.

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Ruby Bisson Comment
Growing Up in Australia’s Backyard

On the weekends, you sit in the back seat cradling your bucket and spade. Mum’s already swiped zinc all over your nose and your rashy seems tight around the arms. Mum just looks over and says “you’re getting so big now!” but doesn’t let you take it off. Dad smokes a ciggy from the driver’s seat. 

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VISUAL DIARY | Month 2 in Europe

Now alone, with my podcasts and playlists, I drove across Spain and up the east coast, sleeping in the car on the side of the highway while a thunderstorm commandeered the sky. I had to pull off because I couldn’t see the road anymore- the rain was so heavy, the lightning like a strobe light.

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VISUAL DIARY: Month 1 in Europe

I’ve been climbing mountains and getting naked at the summit under thunder-fuelled skies. Driving up and over and round the mountains in the south of France, a hand on my knee. Eating fresh blueberries and chocolate biscuits in the rain. Scrunching snow beneath my hiking boots. 

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